Thursday, August 9, 2012

New kitchen drapes about to arrive!

Okay, I am pumped.  Way pumped.  Even though I love the rug under the table in the kitchen, hubby wishes it were gone, saying it makes the area appear more open.  I don't really think the area NEEDS to look 'more open', but I have relented to get rid of the rug.  However, without the rug, the kitchen is seriously lacking in pops of color & fabric.  Sooo... I am getting these AMAZING drapes from World Market that I have drooled over for months on end.  Also, I am going to buy a third drape, so I can hand-make a valance for over the window (matching the drapes on the doorwall).  ALSO, still in-keeping with needing MORE color in the room, I'm going to PAINT the kitchen chairs.  It'll give me an excuse to break-out my NIFTY new summer toy: my paint sprayer!!!  I am thinking a shade of burnt red from the drapes, but would welcome opinions!  Of course, there is always that blue color, but I already have blue/orange/green accents in the kitchen.  I also have a wire basket in that shade of yellow.  THOUGHTS?  I need a color.  But truly, I'm thinking the contender is the burnt red color.

Again, here is a photo of our table & chairs.  

The switch plates made it up yesterday.  Lovely - and I never thought I'd be commenting on the 'loveliness' of a SWITCHPLATE!!!  But they really do help disappear into the backsplash.  :)  So, it looks like I'll be posting FRESH pics as early as a few days from now.  We get the drapes tomorrow.  Then I need to get a little paint for those chairs.......


  1. I love, love, love the choice in curtains! They'll look great! Can't wait to see 'em up!

  2. WOW! Everything is SO beautiful! I love it. You are so creative and it talented. When we buy next, which will be in the next year or two. I am going to take pictures and send them to you and have you tell me what to do because I am so boring and bad at decorating. the vintage scales! :)

  3. Yay Lisa! I can't wait! Seriously, it would NOT be ANY trouble at all - I LOVE doing this stuff & it would be my pleasure!! We scavenge antique shops OFTEN & many times we find nothing. :( BUT.......with the thrill of the hunt, sometimes you find JUST what you're looking for! We love the vintage scales too. :)
